How Much Do Laminate Floors Expand and Contract?

Laminate floors are also known as “floating floors.” They can expand and contract. They are, however, so convenient that they do not require the use of nails, screws, or glue to be attached. On their own, they stick together. That is why people prefer laminate floors in their homes and offices.

Although laminate floors expand and contract, there are some techniques you can use to adjust the planks. However, to use the methods, you must first understand how much laminate floors expand and contract. This article will discuss the ability of laminate floors to expand and contract.

How Much Do Laminate Floors Expand and Contract?

Floors made of laminate can expand up to 0.25 inches. As a result, an expansion gap between the laminate and the walls/doorways is required. If the floor is approximately 8 meters long, the expansion could be 8 mm. The expansion will be greater if the floor is longer than 8 mm. As a result, the expansion is proportional to the size of the floor.

Laminate floor expansion is a natural process. Although laminate floors are not natural wood, they are prone to expansion. The expansion could be caused by a variety of factors, such as temperature, humidity, environment, moisture, and so on.

However, laminate floors expand by about 14 inches. The average expansion rate varies according to the size of the floor. The larger the floor, the greater the potential for expansion.

How much do laminate floors expand?

Laminate floors do expand. The expansion of laminate floors is a fairly obvious issue. As a result, an expansion gap between the laminates is required. Some environmental issues are to blame for the growth.

The laminate floors expand as the temperature and humidity change. Laminate floors are prone to expanding during the summer and dry seasons.

Other factors could also be to blame for the growth. For example, swelling of the laminates or moisture content in the laminates could cause the laminate floors to expand. As a result, you can be certain that the laminate floors will expand.

What is the expansion rate of laminate floors?

The expansion of the laminate floors is determined by their size. When the laminate floor is approximately 8 x 12 meters in size, the expansion will be approximately 8–10 mm. However, if the laminate floor is longer than 8 x 12 meters, the expansion will be greater.

As a result, the laminate floors expand by 0.25 inches on average. Every plank of laminate flooring can expand. However, they show the result of overall expansion on the flooring’s end edge. As a result, the expansion is much more visible on the sides of walls and doorways.

When and why does laminate flooring expand?

For a variety of reasons, laminate flooring expands. However, some specific reasons stand out. To figure out how to deal with the laminate flooring expanding, you first need to know when and why it does so.


One of the primary causes of laminate flooring expansion is temperature change. Some materials tend to expand as the temperature rises. One of the expanding materials that expand with the temperature is laminate flooring.


Humidity can cause laminate floors to expand as well. When the humidity level in the environment changes, the laminate floor expands.

Materials from Other Countries

Some foreign materials, such as moisture and liquid chemicals, can cause the laminate flooring to expand. These materials may cause expansion if they get into the gap between the planks.

Is laminate flooring susceptible to shrinkage?

Laminate flooring does shrink. The majority of reasons for shrinking are environmental. You’re probably aware that laminate floors expand in warm weather. Similarly, in cold weather, laminate flooring shrinks.

The temperature drops during the winter or cold weather. Some materials shrink when exposed to low temperatures. At low temperatures, laminate flooring shrinks as well.

How much shrinks laminate flooring?

In low temperatures, laminate flooring shrinks by 0.25 inches. In normal temperature and humidity conditions, laminate flooring does not shrink or expand. However, during the winter, the laminate floor begins to shrink.

The shrinkage of laminate flooring is proportional to its size. If the flooring is approximately 8 x 12 meters in length, it will shrink by 8–10 mm. However, if the floor is larger than 8 x 12 meters, it will shrink even more.

As a result, the laminate floor’s average shrinkage rate is 0.25 inches.

When and why does laminate flooring shrink?

The causes of laminate flooring shrinking and expanding are similar. If you want to keep your laminate floor from shifting due to shrinkage, you must first understand what causes shrinkage. Let’s look at why and when laminate flooring shrinks.


When the temperature drops, the laminate flooring shrinks. The laminate floor will move in the winter. The reason could be that the laminate floor has shrunk.

Moisture and humidity

When humidity and moisture levels fluctuate, the laminate floor begins to shrink. As a result, humidity and moisture may be the causes of shrinkage.

Is an expansion gap required for laminate flooring?

Laminate flooring requires an expansion gap. It would be beneficial to leave an expansion gap for laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is a floating floor that has the probability to expand.

The expansion could be due to a variety of factors. However, if the laminate flooring doesn’t have an expansion gap, the expansion can damage it.

Expanded laminate planks show a noticeable increase in width along the side edges. As a result, an expansion gap is kept on the sides of walls, doorways, and corners.

If an expansion gap is not maintained, the planks may expand and move over one another. If the laminates do not have enough room to expand, they may break. As a result, you must leave an expansion gap for the laminate flooring.

How much of an expansion gap is required for laminate flooring?

The expansion gap is determined by how much the laminate flooring can expand. An 8*12-meter room has an average gap of 8–10 mm. This space may vary depending on the size of the room.

If the room is larger than 8 x 12, the expansion and gap will grow. The larger the room, the more expansion gaps it requires. As a result, if your room is of average size, you can leave an expansion gap of 8–10 mm on the sides of the walls, corners, and doorways.

How long does laminate flooring take to expand?

Laminate floors require 24 to 72 hours to settle. At this point, the floor begins to expand or contract in response to its surroundings. The laminate floor requires time to adjust to the floor’s environment after installation.

Even after months and years, laminate flooring can expand due to temperature, humidity, and moisture, among other factors. As a result, there is no precise time when the laminate flooring will expand. However, the expanding time can be after installation or whenever the temperature changes.

Is it true that laminate flooring expands with heat?

Yes, one of the primary reasons for laminate flooring expansion is heat. Laminate flooring, like many other materials, expands at high temperatures or heat.

If you have laminate flooring, you will notice that it expands during the summer or warm weather. The heat is to blame for this expansion.

Is laminate more likely to expand in the summer or winter?

The laminate generally expands in the summer and contracts in the winter. When exposed to heat, laminate flooring expands. The temperature remains high in the summer. The laminates expand when it gets hot in the summer.

In contrast, the opposite of expanding begins in the winter. Laminates shrink or contract in cold weather. Because the expansion is related to heat, the laminates expand during the summer.

Is it necessary to acclimate laminate flooring?

Yes, acclimation is required for perfect laminate flooring installation. Installing laminate flooring right away after it arrives can be a costly mistake. If the laminate flooring is not adjusted before installation, it will not adjust to the environment.

Temperature, humidity, moisture, and other factors all play important roles after the laminate floor is installed. The laminates settle when they are acclimatized in the location where they will be installed. As a result, you must leave the laminates in that location for at least 48 hours.

If the laminate flooring is not properly acclimatized, it can expand or shrink at an unexpected rate. You will not be able to solve the problems after installation. As a result, you must acclimate the laminate flooring.

What if I don’t acclimate my laminate flooring?

Installing a long-lasting floor requires acclimating the laminate flooring. If you do not acclimate the laminate flooring, the planks may expand or shrink. Temperature and the environment influence expansion and shrinkage.

If the planks expand or shrink right after installation, they may do so at an unexpected rate. Because the planks did not have enough time to acclimate and adjust.

As a result, there is a possibility of the laminate planks breaking up or sliding. As a result, acclimation is required before installing laminate flooring.

Laminate floors are known for their ability to expand and contract. The expansion or contraction can be caused by a variety of factors. However, the majority of them are environmental.

The laminate floor’s expansion or contraction limit is determined by its size. You must compute the expansion gap in comparison to the average expansion.