How Do You Stop a Rocking Chair from Squeaking? Simple Answer

A rocking chair is a must-have for every homeowner. It’s the perfect place to relax after a hard day. Aside from being wonderfully relaxing, a rocking chair offers various health benefits. You can rock your baby and put them to sleep, while the rest of the family may relax while doing so.

However, after time, the chair’s components will loose, resulting in annoying squeaky noise. However, there are straightforward repairs. You shouldn’t be too concerned if you have a creaking rocking chair at home.

So, let’s see how to make a rocking chair stop squeaking.

How do you stop a rocking chair from squeaking?

You’ll have to figure out where the squeaks are coming from. Solving the problem becomes simple after you’ve identified the source of the squeaks. The squeaking sound is caused by loose runners, backrest, or joint, it may be stopped with a few tweaks.

Is there a way to make my rocking chair stop squeaking?

It is possible to stop the rocking chair from squeaking with a few adjustments and twists. Rocking chairs come in a variety of styles, each with its own set of qualities. As a result, although several of them may be simple to correct, others may be more challenging.

Rocking chair with a swivel:

A revolving, spiny, or swivel chair has a single central base that allows the seat to rotate 360 degrees to the left or right. The chair creates a squeaking noise when rocking when there is a problem with the central base.

Chairs with bottom wheels may also make a squeaky noise. You can stop it from squeaking depending on the kind of material it’s constructed.

Rocking chairs made from metal:

Metal rocking chairs tend to creak more than regular wooden rocking chairs. You can repair the squeaky sound if it is caused by defective joints.

However, if it’s due to bad construction, you’ll have no choice except to replace it.

An antique rocking chair:

When the rocking chair ages, its components, particularly the rockers and legs, become more agile. When the rocking chair is made of wood, the wood may decay.

Instead of spending money attempting to repair an old rocking chair, it is better to replace it after it has reached the end of its lifespan.

Rocking chair made from wood:

The most popular form of the rocking chair is a wooden one. In this type, the squeaking sound may be simply fixed once the broken pieces are identified.

How can you get a squeaky rocking chair to stop squeaking?

To stop the rocking chair from squeaking, take these procedures.

Checking the chair:

It’s simpler to inspect the chair if someone sits in it and rocks it while you look for the cause of the squeak. Take care not to get your fingers tangled in the rocker.

Look horizontally as well as vertically for struts and main dowels. Do the following if your joints are loose: Move the chair from side to side and rotate it. Pay attention to the parts of the chair that can move freely to see which joints are loose.

Repairing the joints:

Nuts that keep joints together should be tightened first. Although the hardware is often used on rockers with big, rectangular spindles and bolts are typically used to join rocking chairs.

Allow the screws to loosen slightly before tightening them. If the squeaking continues after making changes, the screw should probably be replaced.

Glued joints should be reinforced:

If you want to avoid damaging the wood, use a rubber hammer. If any of the parts are still bonded together after tapping, soak a towel in water. Wait for the moisture to soften the glue. Then give it another shot.

Sanding the wooden surfaces:

You should remove all of the bracing and spindle from the previous adhesive using 120-grit sandpaper. Apply a fresh coat of carpenter’s glue to each joint before reassembling it.

Allowing the adhesive to cure:

Allow 12 hours for the adhesive to set before fastening the chair using straps and bar clamps. Once the clamps are removed, the chair will be squeak-free.

What causes the creak in my rocking chair?

A squeaky rocking chair may be caused by a variety of factors. Here’s a quick rundown about why the rocking chair is squeaking:

Defective bolts:

Unassembled rocking chairs have a chance to have loose bolts and screws. Screws and bolts, on the other hand, might be faulty in individual manufacturing units. When you turn the chair upside down, you can see whether there are any loose screws or nuts.

It’s not difficult to repair a defective screw. You may either tighten the screw or replace it completely.

Moving wooden parts:

There’s still a chance of squeaking after you’ve properly tightened the nuts and screw. After you’ve located the squeak, you’ll need to find out where it came from.

The wooden bits will shift if they aren’t correctly attached. It will make some friction between the various components and can generate some unpleasant sounds.

Wood splinters:

Squeaking may be caused by splintered or cracked wood around the components of the rocking chair. If this happens, apply epoxy putty to the affected area.

When the wood has dried fully, use wood clamps to secure the pieces together.

Floor-to-chair friction:

Because the chair is forced against the hardwood floor, friction may be the cause of the squeak. To reduce friction, sprinkle some powdered powder under the chair.

Give some powder to the chair’s joints to prevent further squeaking.

A hardwood floor that squeaks:

There are times when the noise is caused by the board. Walk on each board to find the source of the noise. To fasten the loose board, use a nail or screw.

Apply wooden glue to keep it in place as well. Place a rug or mat beneath the chair to reduce the squeak. You have no option except move the chair if it does not work as well.

The rockers are squeaking:

Most chairs will have a wooden rod going through the rockers and extending out at a right angle from the seat, or crossbars that are parallel to the seating.

The floor rockers connect to wooden rods that emerge from the curved rockers and then go up to the seat. Here, at the center of the intersection between the rod and the rocker, is where all the squeaking is frequently heard.

Without WD 40, how do you stop a noisy rocking chair?

Although WD-40 is the finest lubricant on market, there are other options available. Petroleum jelly, plumber’s grease, silicone-based compounds, dry film lubricants, and squeezable oil may all be used for similar tasks.

To stop a noisy rocking chair, try one of these WD-40 alternatives.

You can prevent squeaking by putting WD-40 on metal parts like glider rockers. If you don’t want to use WD-40 to stop the squeaking, you may make your DIY lubrication from cooking oils. Almost every home have it.

Steel rocking chairs, for example, benefit from silicone-based penetrating oil to maintain them in excellent condition. While these items aren’t meant to become a long-term cure, using them regularly may make a significant impact.

What is the best way to fix a noisy rocking rocker recliner?

After an extended period, some recliners generate a squeaky sound. Sufficient lubrication to these components, along with tightening of bolts and nuts, can eliminate squeaks and other noises that come with it.

The squeaking sound may occur when you start to recline the chair. Internal mechanical parts are rubbed against one another. Wearing down the systems and causing them to fail.

Chairs with bending components are another common cause of squeaking. Any hinges and other metal components might be damaged as a result of this. If the lubrication fails to eliminate the squeak, check for signs of metal dust or corrosion.

Using a pry bar or hammer, gently reinstall the mechanism.

What is the finest rocking chair lubricant?

Different lubricants are required for different rocking chairs. The lubrication for the noisy chair is determined by the material type.

Silicone-based lubricants are ideal for rubber, metal, and plastic applications. While it is not advised, the screws may cause damage to the wood. On hardwood furniture or rocking chair frames, HansiBeewax will work beautifully.

The second factor to consider is the place where your chair is frequently used. It’s essential to apply waterproof lubricants on the surface of metallic chairs to prevent them from rusting.

What’s the best way to lubricate a rocking chair?

You must properly clean the surface before adding anything to the rocking chair, regardless of which part you are lubricating. After cleaning, the lubricant type you may use is up to you.

To spray lubricants, you’ll need to spray little jolts to the specified location and make sure it’s not spilling. In other cases, you’ll need to use an application tool to create a thin coating.

How can you stop a rocking chair’s noisy springs?

You must first identify the noise source. You may look for the part of the spring that is creating the problem.

After that, lay the rocking chair down on the floor and lubricate the region surrounding the noisy spring. You can eliminate the squeaky sound occurring from the springs in a rocking chair by lubricating them once a month.


To summarize, until you can stop the rocking chair from squeaking, it is important to identify the source of the sounds. The issue is easier to fix after you’ve located the source of the squeaks. Simple changes can be made to stop the squeaky sound.